Thursday, December 28, 2006


Sitting by the window & watching the tiny flakes of snow falling down, I`m thinking about the future...mine & my country`s. Lots of my friends have left Iran during these years (specially this year) & lots of them are trying to do so. You may hardly find any one who is happy from bottom of his/her heart. As if we are trying to improve our situation by social activities & political ones in some cases, we have lost a very valuable treasure: "HOPE". I know it`s so bad to be desperate & I`m not claiming that we are, know? There is a big BUT...Sometimes I really think that our country is going to the dogs! Specially after approval of that resolution in the UN at the very end of the year 2006. As if the sanction was not so hard, but it can be the first ring of a long chain, I think.Sitting by the window & staring at the tiny flakes of snow falling down, I`m really enjoying myself by the white & bright color of them. I know we will find our way through all the storms... . But, we should find our lost treasure at first!

Monday, December 25, 2006

There are lots of things to talk about...but, what we should say in the "Days of Silence"?!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Today, was an important day in Iran. "the election day". Two or in some regions three elections were held for the competition of those nominees who had the pass to enter it! But the most important & competitive one was the city council's election. Specially in Tehran, the capital of my country, there was a fierce challenge between reformists and conservatives. Reformists have lost last three important elections in Iran & do not want to face the 4th failure. They have even formed an alliance between more than 20 parties & groups after 6 years to win the council`s election. will it happen? They seem to be so optimistic...but I really am not!Anyway, at least we have a dream of it & I think a human without dreams is a dead one. We are alive yet...